Dhampure Speciality Sugarcane Molasses & Sugarcane Vinegar Sirka, 1600ml

  • Net Weight: 1650 grams; Total Items: 2
  • Contents of the Box: Molasses Liquid Jaggery / Treacle – 1000 grams and Sugar Cane Vinegar – 650 grams
  • Free from Sulphur, All-Natural, and Flavorings
  • Manufacturing Process: Derived from Natural Methods; Origin: India; Suitable for Vegetarians; No Additives or Preservatives
  • Best Before: 12 months from the date of manufacture; Store at room temperature; Shield from direct sunlight and heat

Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $37.00.

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Features & Compatibility

Since 1950, Dhampur Green has been cultivating sugarcane with the aim of enhancing the livelihoods of small-scale farmers and their families. The organization focuses on improving agricultural knowledge, creating market opportunities, and utilizing traditional methods to produce nutritious food. Dhampur Green is committed to offering only nutritionally beneficial food products to help strengthen immunity.

The sugarcane vinegar undergoes a natural fermentation process lasting between four to six months at ambient temperatures. Once the fermentation reaches its peak, the vinegar is bottled in its raw form, containing healthy bacteria, and remains unfiltered and unpasteurized. This vinegar can be used for salad dressings or pickling. After optimal fermentation, it is packaged raw, preserving the beneficial bacteria, and is unfiltered and unpasteurized. This vinegar is particularly healthy as it contains the ‘mother,’ a colony of beneficial bacteria that enhances immunity. If your vinegar appears slightly cloudy, it simply indicates that it is raw, pure, and unprocessed?an excellent sign!

Molasses, known by various names such as Raab, Kakvi, Sheera, Treacle, cane syrup, or liquid jaggery, is cherished for its delightful flavor. This delectable spread is perfect on buttered toast or for making mithais, cereals, or any culinary creations where the sweet and aromatic essence of sugarcane is desired. It imparts a unique, rich aroma to traditional sweets like payasam, as well as to Western desserts such as fruitcake, gingerbread, treacle tart, BBQ sauces, and puddings.

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Country of Origin



Dhampure Speciality

Sold By

Yamuna Desi Store


Dhampure Speciality Sugar Ltd. 24. School Lane


Dhampure Speciality Sugars Ltd.


Mail ID – info@dhampurgreen.com Tel No – +91-11-23711290


New Delhi – 110001


1600 g

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